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Meet Johnny - A Genesis Board Member's Perspective

I talked with “Johnny” on my last visit to Genesis. It was almost lunchtime and I observed him in the classroom as the boys were completing their work and watching an interesting video about fascinating places around the world. I learned as much (if not more) than the boys and we left with a new understanding of places we could only imagine.



I visited with the classroom teacher for a while as the students proceeded to the lunchroom. I saw Johnny sitting alone with one of the direct care workers by the door. I sat down and tried to talk to him. Johnny was guarded and as I tried to warm up to him, he hesitated in answering my questions and did not volunteer any answers on his own. Johnny, from Tulsa, was the oldest resident of the facility and had been there longer than any other boy (almost three years). He had settled in but had run away more than once, getting younger boys to follow his lead and it made life more difficult for him with the choices he had made. A child that gets scared acts out and he was no exception. He was frightened for what the future held for him and he was supposed to be going back for a “visit” with his mom before he was placed in another facility. Genesis had been his home and his future did not hold any guarantees and he was frightened for what was in store for him and he had no idea what might happen. He did not share the times he had gotten into trouble with me but I knew from serving on the board. I did not know his name or who he was until that day.


Johnny came from a rather large family as he had four sisters and one brother and he was second to the youngest. He was scheduled to visit his mother in two days and his future had a big question mark hanging over him, like clouds in the sky.


We talked about his time at Genesis and his favorite thing of the entire facility was the staff. Johnny loved them and they had made him feel special and were fond of him his entire time of stay. He really enjoyed the outings, especially basketball games when the Thunder won! Johnny even liked school and his teacher who taught him a lot of things including math, reading (he even got to read for credit some comic books!), and chapter books. He fell in love with the Matrix movies and developed a taste for RAP music. He had made friends and has three best friends at The Genesis Project.


 The future for Johnny was uncertain but the time he had spent at Genesis had been fruitful, and interesting and given him a foundation that he would never have developed at his home. We pray that he takes the skills he has acquired into his future and develops his own potential.


            Genesis has opened up a whole new world for some young men who needed guidance and direction. The extraordinary staff should be commended for all the work they invest in, and they keep right on plugging, no matter what obstacles are thrown their way.


If you are touched by this story, and want to make a difference, this is the time to send a donation and help some of the “Johnnys” that live within the perimeters of their walls. These boys are struggling as they have been abused: verbally, mentally, physically and some even sexually. They need our love, our attention, and our support. They suffer and Genesis provides for these emotionally hurt young men on the highest level provided by the state. Don’t you want to help?



