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The Murphy Files - A Therapy Dog's Day

Hello everyone!


My name is Murphy, and I am a service dog who helps all the kiddos at Genesis! I work with my daddy in his therapy session to help out my kiddos who are feeling upset. You know what is really cool? I can tell what they are feeling, whether they are happy, sad, or even mad. When they feel these things, I can adjust my behavior to what they need! It always helps them!


Another cool thing about my job is that the kiddos help me as well. Just like the kiddos, I can become hyperactive at times and I struggle to calm myself down. But one of the kiddos has made something up that helps me, too! Its called “calm pets. When I am feeling hyperactive, the kiddos come up and pet me and say “Calm pets Murphy.” This really helps me to know that I need to regulate my emotions, too! It’s really cool that the kiddos and I calm each other down!


I have also been working more with the kiddos in groups! Normally, I see them in their therapy sessions, but I have been able to go to see then out of therapy too when they are in their small groups! This has been helpful for them because if they are feeling upset, they get to see me more often. This also helps me because I love seeing the kiddos!


This is a typical day in the life of me, Murphy!


We are thankful to OG&E for providing for Murphy’s physical and health needs!



