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Why We Do: Kiera Hill, House Manager

Working with boys who have behavior issues is challenging. Why do you keep coming back ? 

Although working with boys with behavior issues may be challenging, it is also very rewarding. Just to know that I am making a difference and a positive impact in the lives of our youth gives me all the drive I need to keep coming back. It is my calling to care for all children of the earth out of a spirit of love, care, & mercy the same that god has shown me.

What do you hope to gain personally by working with our boys? 

My goal is to make a positive impact on the lives of our boys while getting them returned to the community in the most successful way possible. 

What have you learned that you didn’t know before working at the Genesis Project ?

I've learned that every behavior has an underlying need. The tricky part is that sometimes the need is hidden behind emotions and communication challenges (at every age!). It is our job to uncover the underlying driver of the negative behaviors so that we can help meet their needs in healthy & positive ways.

When you describe The Genesis Project to people, what is one thing you would like them to know about our organization and our boys?

The Genesis project feels just like home, we are a family here & parent figures to these boys. We create an environment that supports their growth and development by engaging with our children, actively listening, and problem solving.

Other thoughts and comments about working at the Genesis Project?

Understanding at-risk youth and developing the mindset and skills needed to work with them is just the beginning. Working at Genesis has taught me how to create an emotionally safe space for our youth, engage in healthy communication, recognize common emotional triggers, and improve in my de-escalation skills. I am so grateful to have the opportunity to be a part of this organization. I’ve come a long way and bettered myself as a person, parent & caregiver by taking in all that Genesis has taught me and implementing these things in my everyday life. 


